Creating a Scenario

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To create a scenario, generate a host list, a list of scripts and a list of Vuser.The machines are the machines that run their scripts Vusers. The list of host machines that can run Vusers during implementation stage. You can add the UNIX & Windows machines to the host list. The window displays the list of host & host the following information for each host:
* The type of machine platform (UNIX or Windows)
* Details of the scenario that is currently jogging
* The state machine
The host window has its own menu in the menu bar of the Controller, as well as a toolbar that lets you generate & manage the host list.

Creating a host list
The following procedure describes how to generate a host list for a scenario:
* Install a remote command LoadRunner pitcher on each team (except for the local host) to use as host.
The remote command launcher is an application that allows the Controller to invoke the applications on the host. For more information about installing remote LoadRunner pitchers.

* Set the attributes for each host (optional).
* Add the names of the hosts to the host list.
* Select organizations participated in the scenario (optional).

Host attributes specify the number and type of Vusers that can run on each host. For example, you can set the maximum number of DB host Vusers can run.Each time you run a scenario, some computers may not be obtainable. You can temporarily remove (disable) is the headquarters of the list.

Adding a host to the list of host

You can use the reception window in the LoadRunner Controller to add to the list of hosts host. After generating a host, you can set and change the attributes of the new host.
To add a machine to the host list:
• start the LoadRunner controller and open the window of the host. The menu of the machine appears in the menu bar LoadRunner.
• Select Hosts> Add. The dialog Host Information
• Click on a platform in the list of the platform (UNIX or Windows).
• Enter the hostname in the Name box.
• If the host is based on UNIX, set the login information for the host. By default, LoadRunner uses its NT user name to log on UNIX. In other words, if your username is lrunner NT, the driver will log on to the host as lrunner. You can also specify to access the UNIX machine as another user.
• By default, LoadRunner stores temporary files on the machine during the execution stage in a temporary directory specified by the host TEMP or TMP environment variables. To override this default for a specific server, a type of location in the temporary directory box.
• Click OK to close the dialog Host Information. The host name that has entered the window host, host status is set to DOWN

Modification of host attributes

Host attributes select:

* The maximum number that a host runs Vusers

1. initialization quota for a number
2. Click on a platform in the list of the platform (UNIX or Windows).
3. location WinRunner configuration file (for GUI Vusers)
4. The location of the files at runtime

You can increase or decrease the maximum number of GUI, DB & Vusers RTE that a host can run. To modify the maximum number according to available resources, the needs of your scenario, & LoadRunner license agreement.
To set the maximum number of Vusers that a host can run:

Setting the maximum number of Vusers that a host can run

* Click on a number in the host window. The host is highlighted.

* Open the host. The menu of the machine appears in the menu bar LoadRunner.

* Click the File Types tab Vuser.

* Choose Host> Details. Table Host Information dialog.

* The maximum frame Active enter the maximum number of each type Vusers the host can run.

The maximum number of active Vusers you enter should not exceed the number of Vusers licensed to operate. To check the licensing restrictions Vuser, select Help> About LoadRunner.
* Click OK to close the dialog Host Information.

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