QTP Code - File Browser

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 Opens a standard dialog which allows the user to choose a file.

' =============================================================
' function : FileBrowser
' desc : Opens a standard Open File Dialog 
' params : strTitle - the title to apply to the dialog
' strFilter - the filter to apply to the dialog
' returns : The selected file, including path
' =============================================================

Public Function FileBrowser(strTitle, strFilter)

Dim objDialog

' create a common dialog object 
Set objDialog = CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog")

' set the properties and display the dialog 
With objDialog
    .DialogTitle = strTitle
    .Filter = strFilter
    .MaxFileSize = 260
End With

' return the selected file 
FileBrowser = objDialog.FileName

' destroy the object 
Set objDialog = Nothing

End Function ' FileBrowser
 Source: https://qtphelper.com

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