Don't Give Short Shrift To Software Testing

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So your company has decided it wants to launch a vanilla hosted collaboration or social business software system--meaning you aren't planning to customize it. You've presented the business case, but your executive team denies your line item request for someone to test the system each time you upgrade it to a new version. The software vendor does its own QA before it rolls out an upgrade, right? You haven't done any customizations. What could go wrong? This is social software--everyone knows how to use Twitter and Facebook.

Everyone on your team needs to understand that this mentality is a recipe for disaster. All software has bugs. Not all bugs will be found prior to launch, regardless of how thorough the vendor QA testing is. And developers and QA people aren't using the software in your environment. Your organization undoubtedly has unique use cases, and you will be the one hearing your employees/community members scream if something they love or need breaks during an upgrade.

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